Travel, pets, and the law – is your pet traveling safely?

Dog in car crate showing how pets should travel safely

Is your pet safe when they travel in the car? Would you like to find out how you can make sure you minimise risk of injury should a crash occur for both you and your pet? We’ve known about seatbelts and keeping ourselves safe when traveling in cars for nearly 30 years. But millions of […]

Expert advice on how to keep pets cool and safe in the sun

Dog swimming

It’s lovely when the sun is shining but when the weather hots up we need to have a little more consideration for our furry friends On social media people have shared horrified posts about seeing dogs sweltering in cars and wincing as they walk on hot pavements. One woman even had to give a dog […]

Should Whippets wear clothes with Debbie Humphreys from Redhound for Dogs

Just because our hairy companions are covered in fur doesn’t mean they’re immune from the effects of the changing seasons. Particularly in our miserable winters, so that’s why I wanted to speak to Whippet mum and Whippet wear guru Debbie Humphreys from Redhound for Dogs.  Debbie started making clothes for her first Whippet Bruno back […]