Work with Me

Fancy working together and being featured on The Paw Post? I have a few options.

Share your story

Do you feel you have a story to share that is a good fit for The Paw Post?

Are you making a difference for pets and their owners? If so, I’d love to hear from you.

Here are some examples of what would be considered.


Think your story would be a good fit? Get in touch.

Follow these guidelines on how to write a compelling pitch for a content creator.

• Please note I am unable to review food or treats due to Patch having food allergies.

The Paw Post Pet Business Directory

This is for pet service providers like dog walkers, behaviourists, pet sitters, groomers, vet rehabbers and much more.
It’s a place for pet parents to search for the service you offer on a trusted directory then head to your website and get in touch.
If you’ve a product for pets, such as toys, food, enrichment items or accessories, this is a great way to be discovered.
Maybe you’ve a pet friendly destination you’d like to list? We have hundreds of pet parents read our travel pieces every week!
The investment to feature on the directory is £75 a year.
Your listing is a space to share what you offer, who you help, why you do it and any specialist products or services you provide, for example, working with separation anxiety or reactive dogs.
If you’d like to apply, fill out the form below with details about your business along with a photograph and your contact information and social media profiles.
The directory is for ethical pet businesses and if your application is accepted, I’ll send over a link to pay £75 to start  your listing.
Looking to grow your pet business? My Pets Get Visible package is £30 a month or £330 for a year and includes your listing and my Pets Get Visible coaching and you can find out more here.
You’ll also be invited to my community of pet business owners who are all working together and supporting each other to build their visibility.

Sponsored posts and Link Insertions

If you’re interested in collaborating on a sponsored post, fill out the application form here.
I am happy to create paid for, sponsored posts for brands who are a good fit to feature for the Paw Post Pet Blog. Please note I do not review food or treats.
With over two decades experience in journalism, I write the posts myself. Guests posts are not accepted.
How it works: Once you’ve applied, if accepted, once you have paid the fee we’ll have a call to work together on your post.
This may be an expert comment piece, a spotlight on your brand, or you might share a story about what inspired your business.
You will need to provide suitable images, or I may photograph your product or if it’s a travel piece, use stock images and my own images.
Sponsored posts will be declared as ‘Sponsored’ in line with Google guidelines, and I will not risk my reputation by going against them.
Payment: Payment for your sponsored post must be made once we have agreed to work together and before publication.
Each sponsored post takes at least half a day to write, edit, upload and promote, so please be respectful of this and understand I am not able to work for free.
If you’d like get started with working together, fill out the application form here.

I don’t do link insertions or exchanges, please take a look at the directory offer if you would like a link on this website.

Join the Pet Directory

If you’d like to sign up to our pet directory, please note this is a paid for service, and fill in the details below.

Your application will be reviewed and if you’re a good fit, I’ll send a payment link over so you can get listed.