Abbey’s Run Equestrian

Are you experiencing ‘analysis-paralysis’ with your horse training?

Abbey’s Run Equestrian is an educational business helping to connect horse people to quality information and experts along with sharing our knowledge. Our aim is to help horse people be the most amazing horse people they can be for their horses. We offer a free podcast: ‘An Equine Conversation’ (listen on major podcast apps or via our website), along with the opportunity for horse-owning and caretaking humans to work with us through our young and/or green horse program, From Green to Growth.

Having a young horse is really exciting but it can also be daunting and overwhelming: What CAN you do with them? Where should you even start? What if you get something wrong? The same can be said if you have an older horse who’s inexperienced: It can be difficult to know where to begin. This overwhelm can lead us to not doing anything, then feeling guilty for not doing anything while wanting to be doing all the things … and ending up in total guilt-ridden analysis-paralysis … arrgghhhh!

This is why we set up our 4-month program, From Green to Growth (and follow-on, optional membership) – to support you in feeling empowered, working through strategic program of content & activities in a supportive environment that give you skills and knowledge that will stick with you for life.

‘Sarah, I really had all but given up. Directionless, time poor, and wondering about that elusive connection that other methods didn’t really convince me of. Finding you has reignited my interest and I am seeing the connection start to happen. Happy days!!’ – LR, 2023 From Green to Growth participant

Find out more and book a discovery conversation to find out if From Green to Growth is right for you at

We love helping humans develop deeper, happier & more trusting relationships with their equines and we love helping equines (especially young and/or inexperienced ones) learn to live in this human-centric world.