Becky’s Walkies Training & Behaviour

Do you live with a Foreign Rescue Dog or are you planning on adopting one in the future? Do you struggle with certain behaviours or are you wanting to get things right from the start?

I am Becky and I set up Becky’s Walkies Training & Behaviour in 2010. I specialise in working with Foreign Rescue Dogs, helping their guardians understand and learn how to help their dogs navigate living in our world, overcoming behaviour struggles they may have. Also known as Plymouth’s Foreign Rescue Dog Specialist.

For many years I have specialised in working with anxious and reactive dogs which ment that with the increase in dogs being adopted from abroad with many struggling with anxiety, fear and reactivity that they quickly became a large percentage of my cliental. I fell in love with working with them and their families and quickly learnt that they are different to our British dogs. Since then I have helped many owners and their dogs overcome their hurdles. I have also created an online membership the Foreign Rescue Dog Inner Circle for people all over the UK to join and learn everything they need to know.

I have a Foundation Degree In Canine Training & Behaviour through Bishop Burton College. I have also studied with the IMDT, School of Canine Science, Canine Principles and have completed The Master Course In Canine Aggression through Michael Shikashio. Throughout the years I have also attended many in person and online seminars.

My Services include:

– In person 1 to 1 sessions which can be paid individually or discounted block bookings
– Online Consultations
– Foreign Rescue Dog Inner Circle – You can join here

“With the approach of Becky and her wisdom, I was able to take on the long process of unlocking the kind and loving dog I could see inside Xena. She was terrified of everything at first and would bolt and hide from crowds, kids and bikes lots of new experiences would have her physically shaking, curl up in tight balls of self-protection. Becky explained to me, what Xena was feeling and how she was processing this new world around her, and helped me unlock Xena in such a way she is no longer recognisable as the shaking, scared scruffy pod, but this confident, but cautious and curious, beautiful loving Podenco” Bobbi Bartley (Xena & Jax)