Expert advice on how to protect your dog against Alabama Rot

Woodland walks are linked to Alabama Rot.

Alabama Rot is a mysterious and deadly disease that has sadly already claimed the lives of 43 dogs this year. In June 2018, Vets4Pets announced four more cases of Alabama Rot were confirmed by Anderson Moores in Maplehurst in West Sussex, Farnborough in Hampshire, Romiley in Greater Manchester and Alphington, Exeter. It takes the total in […]

Canine Arthritis – Hannah Capon shares 6 things dog owners need to know

Giving our furry friends a long, happy and healthy life is something us dog lovers strive to do and managing arthritis is key to making this happen. A few weeks ago, Daisy was due to go to the vets to have her lameness checked and I came across Hannah Capon from Canine Arthritis Management on […]

How to keep your pet safe from deadly antifreeze this winter

We speak to Carole whose dog Mischa nearly died after biting into a bottle of anitfreeze and experts on how owners can help their pets Did you know antifreeze could poison your pet? As the cold snap kicks in, we’re using it for our cars, in water features and might have bottles in the house. […]