Former homeless man Andy Hutchins on how his dog Bailey and StreetVet saved his life

Five years ago Andy Hutchins walked out of prison with nothing other than £60 and the clothes he was wearing He’d spent most of his adult life living on the streets, battling heroin addiction and had no choice but to turn to crime to fund his habit. But the day he left jail, he walked […]
How you can help a homeless dog this Christmas with Streetvet

The average pet owner is set to spend up to £50 pampering them this Christmas according to research by Support Adoption for Pets. But what about the dogs out there who have nothing? Who are living on the streets and who are a lifeline as companions for their owners? Earlier this year we wrote about […]
Jade, Sam and the StreetVet team are helping London’s homeless dogs

When vet Jade Statt saw a homeless dog who desperately needed treatment on a night out in Soho it changed her life. Heartbroken to see the dog suffering, and knowing how helpless the owner would have felt, it inspired her to set up StreetVet. In the last year animal lover Jade and her colleagues have […]