K9Nation founder Becky on her mission to find the UK’s most Dog Friendly place

When you go to a new place with your pup, how do you find out dog friendly spots to check out? Facebook, Trip Advisor, the pub or pet shop… there’s so many places. One dog owner is on a mission to change that and give pawrents one place where they can find all the resources […]
Dog lover and psychologist Emma Kenny shares nine things every pet parent needs to know

Any dog owner will tell you that becoming a pet parent is one of the best things that can happen in life. Countless studies have shown being around them releases seratonin, the happy hormone, and reduces cortisol, the hormone that causes stress. Plus they give us unconditional love and are always there for a cuddle. […]
How puppy Buddy inspired Becky to set up K9Nation

Becky didn’t want to bore friends with endless photos of pup Buddy, so she created K9Nation – just for dogs! Like many puppy pawrents, Becky Baker felt overwhelmed when her Cockerpoo Buddy came into her life. At the time, Becky, 33, from Wakefield, was living alone and had always dreamed of having a dog of […]