How Bella inspired Sarah Jones’ #DogsInYellow to give anxious dogs space

Sarah Jones and Bella from My Anxious Dog

When Sarah Jones realised her adorable puppy Bella was an anxious dog, she could have resigned herself to 5am walks, stares from other dog owners and a life hiding away.But she wanted her Cocker Spaniel to enjoy life like any other pup, so instead she went on a mission to find a way to tell other people and […]

Can our dogs be the key to us finding the perfect partner?

Valentine’s Day – for many years those two words filled me with dread Having spent most of my 20s and 30s single, it was a day of horror! The gushing Facebook updates, the endless photos of flowers and teddy bears, I hated it.Despite having a boyfriend now, I’m still not a huge fan. But I […]