Celebrating National Bring Your Dog To Work Day!

Yay – it’s National Bring Your Dog To Work Day!

Luckily for me, as a freelance, every day is #bringyourdogtoworkday as Daisy is pretty much always by my side.

It can have its downsides though.

She likes to hop up on the table to ‘help’ and once, she knocked a vase of water over my laptop.

And because I’d ‘invited’ her into my home, the insurance company wouldn’t pay out.

Daisy – my little news hound!

Another time I took her for Dog Reiki for a feature (you can read it here)

She was so relaxed she did a POO on the practitioner’s floor.

I was mortified.

Laughing aside, Bring Your Dog To Work Day has a serious message.

Organisers Hownd do it to raise money for All Dogs Matter who rehome 300 animals a year in the UK.

The event also supports Animals Asia, who campaign against the meat trade in China and Vietnam. 

If you’re a business taking part, you can make a donation on the link here.

So while the day is about having fun, it’s also helping dogs in desperate need too.

They say never work with children or animals.

And I know I’m not alone in having a tinkering terrier as my workmate.

So I asked some fellow freelancers to share the cute and funny things their dogs get up to.

“I had to go for a last-minute meeting with one of my copywriting clients a few months ago.

“I said that I could only come if I could bring the dogs as they were with me.

“We met in this fancy cafe in Primrose Hill and everything was quiet… looked down and realised Pablo was viciously humping Dali’s head under the table while a gaggle of school children on the other side of the road videoed it. You couldn’t make it up,” Sophie Brown 

Sophie’s dogs Dali and Pablo look like little angels!

“I took Betsy with me to do a radio interview and she was perfectly behaved until we went live, whereupon she audibly farted but we had to carry on talking, despite the stench.

“But mostly, she just sits by my side and stares at me unblinking, occasionally crying because she wants attention. It’s very off-putting, especially when I’m writing sex scenes when novelling,” Sarra Manning.

Sarra’s windy workmate Betsy.

“I took Alfie to work once and he sat underneath my chair guarding me the whole day.

“Every time anyone came near me he barked his b******s off and by the end of it we were both knackered and decided he was better off with his dog walking pack!” Tina Campanella.

Tina’s tiny terror Alfie barked all day!

“My dog Matilda Jane has barked through a million down-the-line radio interviews, and once did telly with me on Good Morning Britain live from our bed!

“I actually largely refuse in-house work because I can’t bear to be away from her.

“She’s the best colleague ever, though a bit shy on the kettle front,” Kelly Rose Bradford.

Matilda Jane never gets the brews in!

“I work at home and I enjoy having my dog Mishka nearby in general, but especially when I have to do video.

“However she snores and generally sounds like a farting dragon.  

“I can’t always tell if commenting on it makes it better or worse,” Rebecca L Weber.

Adorable Mishka snores while Rebecca works!

“I was doing a radio feature and Sheba joined in with a squeaky toy which I thought had long been lost!

“I removed said toy and we started again. Two minutes in to the interview she started howling and wouldn’t stop.

“I put her out in the garden where she still continued to howl and could be heard.

“Needless to say, I yelled my way through the rest of the interview and only a short version of it hit the airwaves!” Jeane Hill De Corvis.

Sheba’s a hound who likes to be heard!

“When I was writing my first book, longhand and in pencil, my dog Sally kept creeping up beside me to catch the busy, wiggling end of it with her teeth,” Heather Hill.

Furry wordsmith Sally!

Are you taking your dog to work today? I’d love to see your pics, so feel free to tag me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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