How StreetVet and animal charities are celebrating the Human Animal Bond

Nothing can compare to the bond we share with our animals and this weekend, a special day has been created to recognise this.

On Sunday July 23rd, it’s the first Human Animal Bond Awareness Day, an annual event created by StreetVet, a charity helping the homeless.

The event will also put charities and organisations that help humans and animals to stay together in what can be challenging circumstances in the spotlight.

Like StreetVet who we’ve written about many times on the blog, who provide veterinary care for homeless animals and emotional and practical support for their humans.

They do incredible work, and on the day, you can hear from people like Andy and Bailey who have rebuilt their lives thanks to the kindness shown to them.

I spoke to Tammie O’Leary ahead of the day to learn what to expect and how you can get involved and support this brilliant event. 

What is Human Animal Bond Awareness Day?

On Sunday 23rd July, StreetVet will be collaborating with other charities and organisations that support the human-animal bond.

There will be virtual events and competitions to inspire and educate animal lovers, as well as to celebrating the relationship between humans and animals and all of the benefits animals bring to us.

The many charities and organisations involved promote the human-animal bond which benefits and enriches our lives whether it’s for companionship, animal therapy, or in the workplace.

The National Human-Animal Bond Awareness Day (NHABAD) will be filled with talks from animal-health professionals and inspirational individuals who all understand the strength of the human-animal bond. 

You’ll hear from StreetVet Ambassador, writer, broadcaster and animal lover Clare Balding as well as StreetVet’s Andy and Bailey, who recently appeared on the programme ‘For the Love of Paul O’Grady’. 

There will be a fantastic workshop with Hercule Van-Wolfwinkle of Rubbish Pet Portraits bringing fun to the day and much more.

Where did the idea for Human Animal Bond Awareness Day come from?

StreetVet provides free of charge veterinary care to individuals who are experiencing homelessness and have their companions by their sides. 

The Human-Animal Bond does not depend on status or wealth. 

The bond is very evident between the StreetVet clients and their companions who live in challenging circumstances. 

No matter our living situation, the bond between humans and animals is felt deeply. It matters. 

There are many awareness days that celebrate animals but not a day in the UK that highlights this special bond and the value of the charities and organizations that promote it. 

Jade and I wanted to create a day that celebrates these relationships and all of the good work that takes place. 

StreetVet is the inspiration behind the day.  

Andy and Bailey who have been supported by StreetVet © Rob Trow

Why do you think the Human Animal bond is so important?

Many of us have, or have had, relationships with animals that are unique. 

The support animals provide us is truly powerful, emotionally, mentally and physically. 

The NHABAD is an opportunity to educate, interact, have fun and inspire people to understand more about each of the charities involved. 

Whether it’s Riding for the Disabled, PDSA, Support Dogs, Battersea Dog and Cats Home, or The Donkey Sanctuary each play an important role in the community. 

Animals are seen as part of the family. They can provide us the best days of our lives and the hardest days as well. 

They can be the reason a conversation has taken place. 

Those with disabilities or a homeless person with their dogs by their side may have someone approach them to greet the dog and talk about them which they may not happened should they have been alone. 

Animals can be a common denominator and a reason to talk. 

The Power of pets can be humbling.

The late Paul O’Grady who was a StreetVet ambassador with Jade
Bailey, one of StreetVet’s clients © Rob Trow

What are your hopes for the day?

Animals assist us on a daily basis through therapy, work and companionship and our aim is to increase awareness of the many ways in which they do this. 

We’d like to share knowledge of what charities do to promote the bond and also the ways in which people can help. 

This is not about donating money, this is about donating time and skills. 

There may be suitable roles in charity shops, kennels or yards that may fit with someone’s diary that had been considering volunteering but had not taken that step. 

We encourage people to do that. 

You can expand your own experience and make friends, animal as well as human! 

No act of kindness is a waste of time.

Get involved, learn something new about what animals can do and have fun!

Want to find out more about the Human Animal Bond day?

Follow the day on social media on the links below:

Find out more about StreetVets’ work on their website

Read more about their work

Andy and Bailey share how StreetVet saved their lives

How Jade and Sam united to form StreetVet and help homeless animals

Carla Finzel’s mission to allow every pet owner to have a district nurse

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