What do you get the terrier or terrier parent in your life for Christmas?
Well, if you’re stuck we have some good news as Scruffy Little Terrier has the pawfect range for your two and four legged loved ones.
As you will know I am a terrier mum myself – Patch is my second terrier – and I first came across Michelle Burgess from Scruffy Little Terrier when I first started this blog.
It was nearly FOUR years ago when I had my lovely girl Daisy and she has a terrier, Sandy, who looked just like her.
We chatted and bonded on social media, and I’m really pleased to have Michelle as my first ‘Spotlight On’ feature.
Today we’re talking about how Scruffy Little Terrier came to be and her Christmas collection, and it will blow you away.

Hi Michelle and thank you so much for being our first Spotlight guest, please can you tell me a little about Scruffy Little Terrier?
Thanks so much for inviting me. Scruffy Little Terrier is an online lifestyle brand for all terrier lovers – they don’t have to be scruffy!
In my shop you will find clothing, homeware, lots of dog mum inspired slogan t shirts, hoodies and sweaters and gorgeous natural products for dogs too.
You won’t find anything I wouldn’t use myself or give to my two terriers, Barney and Sandy, so it’s very much a reflection of us three and my life as a crazy terrier lady.

You’re dog mum to Barney and Sandy, did they inspire you to start it?
I am a very proud fur mum and they are very much part of our family and the inspiration for Scruffy Little Terrier.
It was rehoming Barney from Battersea Dogs Home in 2013 that inspired me to start Scruffy Little Terrier, after I left my corporate job in the City due to a long term illness.
Scruffy Little Terrier started as a blog, whilst I was stuck at home, and when I look back, I believe it was a way for me to communicate as I was quite lonely.
I used to love creating newsletters in my corporate role and this seemed like something I could do quite easily and give me a sense of achievement.
So I thought ‘why not start a blog,’ and in the early days I would write about my dog and topics I thought terrier owners would be interested in.
I can so relate as that’s similar to how I started with The Paw Post. So what prompted the product range?
I’ve always loved taking photos, I have boxes and boxes of photographs up in the loft.
As Barney was such a cute puppy, like many of us, I took absolutely tons of photos of him.
I got really into it and started using editing software and created an image of Barney in the style of Andy Warhol.
After posting in a group on Facebook, someone said, ‘You should put it on products for people to buy.’
So after looking into it, that’s what I did. I didn’t think anyone would buy it but they did, and that’s how the shop came to life.
The Barney Warhol design is still a favourite with Border Terrier owners in the shop.

That is so brilliant Michelle, so what started as a print is now a full range of items for pups and pawrents?
Exactly, what started as me messing about making a bit of a fun design ended up in seven designs being available on Hoodies, Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, Mugs, Tote Bags, Aprons and Cushions, which always surprises me!
For dogs, I have continued the slogan theme on dog bandanas too.

Where do you get your Scruffy Little Terrier inspiration from?
It’s from our dogs and what other people say about their dogs. So Eat Sleep Walkies Repeat is pretty much my life and my dogs’ life!
Zoomies is something every terrier parent will relate to.
My best selling design, You Had Me At Woof, was inspired by every dog owners’ first story of when their dog picked them (which is usually what happens).
I’m of the generation who remembers Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat from Norman Cook so as soon as I saw that design it was straight in the basket!
So we’re here today to talk about your Christmas range and it’s your first isn’t it? Can you tell us about what’s in store?
Yes, I’m very excited about my Christmas range, this is the first one specifically for terrier owners.
I have two new designs on the clothing range, lovely mugs with hand drawn terriers on them and my very first personalised product, a Santa Sack for your dog.

And the Scruffy Little Terrier designs, how did you come up with them?
Drawing doesn’t come naturally to me, so I asked my photographer Nisha Jayne who is great at drawing to create me a scruffy little terrier in a Santa Hat and scarf.
She modelled it on a photo I have of Barney and after a lot of to and fro, the Christmas scruffy little terrier came to life and I created the designs ready for printing.

Tell me about the Christmas slogan, ‘Christmas is merrier with a Scruffy Little Terrier.’
Gosh, well the Christmas is merrier came about right at the beginning of Scruffy Little Terrier, trying to find something that rhymes with merrier!
I’ve probably used that every Christmas since I started Scruffy Little Terrier.
Most of my designs are slogans which really are inspired by having dogs in our life, they reflect everyday living with dogs, I think.

What kind of feedback have you had?
I’m always scared when I release a new design, because you never know whether anyone will like it.
But I have had so many lovely comments from customers about the designs on social media.
I’m really active online and love having conversations with people and it’s always so nice to hear the reasons why they like things.
Is there one that you’re most proud of?
Ahh well it changes, because my latest design is always my favourite, so at the moment it’s ‘Zoomies.’
I love this one so much because everyone who has a terrier knows exactly what zoomies are!

What will you, Sandy, Barney and Mr Scruffy Little Terrier be doing at Christmas?
We will all be at home, Barney will ‘help’ us open our presents, we are hoping to have the in-laws to stay.
But if not it’ll be just us four, with walks on the beach and lots of delicious food cooked by Mr SLT.

Yes, similar to us. Mr Paw Post does the cooking in our house too!
So what’s next for Scruffy Little Terrier?
Oh, I have lots of plans for next year, I’m so excited!
There will be a new Charity of the Year, picked by my social media followers.
I have some new designs that have been stuck in my head for ages – I need more hours in the day and more energy!
I’m bringing some new brands on board for our dogs – I am always looking for small British brands to partner with Scruffy Little Terrier with the same ethos as I have.
And something very exciting – which I can’t mention just yet – so keep your eyes open, it’s going to be a fun year for Scruffy Little Terrier.
Ok, well I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got up your sleeve, where can people find out more about you?
You will be the first to know!
Our website is www.scruffylittleterrier.com and you can find all the links to follow us on social media too – Instagram and Facebook is where we are most active.
- This is a Sponsored Collaboration between the Paw Post and Scruffy Little Terrier. If you’d like to chat about working together, use the contact form to find out more about rates and packages.