Doglost Appeal – can you help find Penny, Winston and Eddie?

Christmas is a time to treasure with our pets but heartbreakingly Doglost is trying to reunite thousands of missing dogs with their owners. We share cases in the hope it might trigger someone to notice something in a dog they may have adopted or even seen in their neighbourhood and get in touch. While microchipping […]
Doglost Appeal – can you help find Ruby, Finn and Tilly?

Have you thought about what you would do if your dog went missing or was stolen? Figures by the Kennel Club show that 70,000 pets are missing in the UK and even if they’re microchipped it’s not compulsory to scan at a vets. If you lose your pet, help is out there from which […]
Doglost Appeal – can you help find Polly, Amy and Archie?

Losing your pet is every owner’s worst nightmare but sadly every day dogs are stolen or vanish on walks and it’s heartbreaking for their families. Every story is different. One of the cases this month is of a lady whose dogs went missing as she nursed a friend through cancer treatment. You can’t imagine the […]